L o o k a l i k e s

Well, we just couldn't resist! How many times have you seen a picture of an Amiga personality and compare them with a TV celebrity ? We've scoured the Internet to find appropriate pictures for some famous Amiga names, and over the next few months you'll see a few of them. If you've got any lookalikes that you'd like to share with us, why not drop us an E-Mail at webmaster@uk.amigasoc.org for the world to share ?

Everybody needs good CTOs
Rick LeFaivre Lou Carpenter from "Neighbours"
They've both had their fingers in many pies in the past, but we're fairly certain that Rick isn't up to anything dodgy. How good he is at mowing lawns is something else entirely... It has also been suggested that Mr. LeFaivre bears a striking resemblance to another antipodean, Clive James (if you can picture him with hair, that is).
Partners in crime
Mr Wint from "Diamonds are Forever" Petro Tyschtschenko
Both are henchmen, but for different organisations. One is out to assassinate James Bond using whatever means necessary, the other is out to... err... well anyway... but we're sure Annex is involved somewhere.